"My Heart is Broken - Serbia's Migrant crisis" featured on CNN International's Connect the World with Becky Anderson. May 2017.

A portrait of Yvan Sagnet, trade unionist and activist fighting for the right of immigrant workers in Italy's agricoltural sector published on Equal Times. April 2017.

"My Heart is Broken" featured on Noor's webiste. April 2017. 1/3

"My Heart is Broken" featured on Noor's webiste. 2/3

"My Heart is Broken" featured on Noor's webiste. 3/3

Reportage from Belgrade, Serbia, on assignment for Equal Times. February 2017.

Reportage from Belgrade, Serbia, on assignment for Equal Times. February 2017.

"Stories of Women in a Kitchen", a story about 'Mazi Mas' a social entreprise employing women from migrant communities, published on February's Issue of WU Magazine.